Do you know what it means to be a finisher? My husband and I were just part of the support team for a conference and it was a lot of hard work. Most things that are worth it, are. So what does it mean to be a finisher? Not giving up when the going gets tough? Being willing to give up personal time, energy and comfort in order to accomplish the task at hand? Having the wisdom to know when a task is worth finishing? Probably all of those are key components to being a finisher.
Maybe you remember this incident from the 1992 Olympic games but it’s a good reminder of what being a good finisher is all about. You will always win if you are a finisher. This man won the respect of the world. What is your goal? Maybe it’s not winning the respect of the world, but the respect of your friends and family and of yourself. No matter what…never quit!
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Sharon Reece
214 701-8298
P.S. Are you interested in hydroponics? Learn all about it here.
Sharon, having the wisdom to know to what's worth finishing is what really stood out to me in what you wrote. I have always been one that didn't like to start something if I didn't think I would finish it. And on the flip side I have often stayed with a thing far longer than I should have because I didn't want to be one who just quit. It takes wisdom to know when to let go. Many blessing s to you.