Thursday, December 16, 2010

My Son is Inspiration

As my husband and I were finishing up writing Aloha is Forever, our second son informed us that he was writing and that his goal for November was to write 30,000 words - or was it 50,000. In any case, it seemed like a great goal. So it inspired my husband to start writing our second book and now by mid-December it is halfway written. Since it took us eleven years to write and publish our first book, this in nothing short of miraculous.

We often find that our children inspire us to deeds beyond what we thought was our capacity. Hmmm...wonder what his book is about anyway!

In what ways have your children inspired you?

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Sharon, thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving a comment. The sentences were scary and great.

    My children inspire me to be a good mom.
    N. R. Williams, fantasy author


Thank you for sharing your thoughts.