Friday, December 31, 2010

Lessons on Closure from Fern Hill

We watched the movie Fern Hill the other night. It got me thinking about the importance of finding closure after the death of a loved one. The movie portrayed a 13 year old boy and his 3 buddies who joined him in his search for closure. His father had been killed in a plane crash when he was 5 years old but no wreckage and no body had ever been found. Although the story is mainly about his search for closure, 2 of his buddies are also in need of closure in a different way. One had a father who walked out of his life, leaving him, his mother and his little sister when he was 12. Now at 13, he was an angry young man who blamed everyone including himself for what his father did. Another one of the buddies had a father who didn't even notice he existed, heaping all of his attention and praise on his brother instead.

So the 4 boys set off for Fern Hill in search of clues, although they aren't really sure what they're looking for. They find the wrecked plane, but more importantly, their adventure changes all of them. Through helping their friend find closure, they all find out what is really important to them and are able to move on with their lives in ways they wouldn't have been able to had they not gone.

Perhaps facing their fears and confronting what seemed to be the worst possible idea - going to Fern Hill, a place shrouded in mystery, intrigue and danger, was exactly what dispelled those fears.

It's not just after a death that we need closure. There are many other situations that require it. Are you facing one of those? What fear or dread do you need to face in order to get beyond that situation and move forward into your destiny and calling?

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Sharon !!! & Happy New Year ...

    Check It Out ...


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