Monday, January 25, 2010

My Grandson Edited the Book!

I just recently picked up the book Beakie; The Amazonian Wonderdog to read to my grandson. I had been saving it until he could really appreciate it because it was written by a dear friend and illustrated by the son of another dear friend. It's a gorgeous book - not one to be left in the hands of a small child without supervision. The book is also special because I knew Beakie. She even stayed in my home with her dear, sweet owners.

So I've been reading the Beakie book to my grandson for several days in a row but today when I went to read it he told me right up front that there was one page he didn't like and he wanted me to skip it. grandson, the editor.

Interestingly the page was about Beakie's first bath and since it's written in first person, and Beakie didn't like his first bath, I guess that's why my grandson didn't like it either.

1 comment:

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.